Saturday, February 05, 2005

That's Not How I Remember It...

Did you ever notice how you remember things, especially quotes, as being funnier or just different than they really are? It's like that whole "Play it again, Sam." thing from Casablanca, only your brain rewrites the punchline more to your liking.

Case in point: This past Friday's Get Fuzzy

I had read this and mentally filed Bucky's last line, "I do not stand corrected." into my "quippy remark" folder. Only, I must have thought of a funnier version because had I filed it (and remarked it to LotR) as: "I stand so not corrected." I can only assume my version is the result of some ongoing hangover from repeated Buffy the Vampire Slayer viewings where they would regularily mangle english into odd, but amusing, turns of phrase. (My main symptom is the occasional addition of a -y to innocuous nouns to turn them into bizarre adjectives. "Biscuity", for example, and yes, it just goes to show how readily "biscuit" pops into my head. You thought I was making that up, didn't you?) I just did a quick Google on my version of Bucky's quip. Nothing came up, so I'm going with it being a The Doctor Original. I'll be trademarking it and offering licenses to use it for a very reasonable fee.


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