Saturday, February 05, 2005

Lose Eagles!

This is not a Super Bowl prediction as it's a simple wish. I don't care who wins the darn thing so long as it's not the Eagles. Actually, it's not even the Eagles per se, I'm sure Coach Reid, Donovan and the like are perfectly fine people. No, this wish stems from the fact that I still haven't forgiven Philly's self-aclaimed "churlish" fans.

Allow me to explain.

During their (fluke?) 2002 Super Bowl run, the Tampa Bay Bucs had a wide receiver by the name of Joe Jurevicius. Likeable guy who's wife gave birth to their first born son during the playoffs. Unfortunately, their son was born prematurely and suffered from some very serious health problems that had him in neo-natal ICU during his brief stay in this life (he would die 10 weeks later). Joe would spend every waking moment (and probably some sleeping ones too) next to his son's side and had only flown up to Philly for the 2002 NFC game at the insistence of his family.

So what do the fans of Philly do? Call the man out about it while he's warming up on the sideline. "Hey, Joe! How's your son doing?" It wasn't asked out of sympathy and there were others that I'll not sully my blog with.

Now I'm no milquetoast. When a visiting team comes to "your house", you give them what-for. But there's a limit and what those "fans" did in The Vet didn't make them lousy fans, it made them lousy human beings. (And the universe seemed to recognize the transgression, for it was Joe who caught an 83 yard pass that day to turn the game.) So since I've yet to hear any report of those "fans" ever apologizing to Joe for what they said about his son, I carry on my hope that the city never smell a championship until they do.

Go Pats, beat Eagles.


Blogger Kosh Naranek said...

As a Bucs fan, it was wonderful to see the Eagles lose Sunday! I couldn't believe it, I was sitting in a room full of a bunch of people that should have known better (aka Bucs Fans) and they were rooting for the Eagles.

11:04 PM  
Blogger The Doctor said...

Further evidence of the karmic imbalance on Philly's part was their removal from the latest (and last?) Stanley Cup playoffs, courtesy of the eventual champs, The Tampa Bay Lighting.

C'mon, Philly, it's only a phone call!

11:11 PM  

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