Monday, January 31, 2005

I'm Gonna Be a Famous E-Mail Checker

No, not me. Strong Bad. Of all the neat things to be found on this tangled world-wide-web, Strong Bad ranks near the top, specifically Strong Bad emails. A brand-new one was posted today, Origins, not a classic (try Crying or Kid's Book), but where else can you hear someone singing the praises of pumpernickle? Watch them all (you can find the complete email index here), then buy the DVD.

Oh, and I forgot one thing. Nearly all Strong Bad emails have "easter eggs" in them, usually hidden in the text of the closing scene, but not exclusively. Just hover your cursor over various part of the screen and if it changes, click & enjoy.

(And for the record, I'm in no way affiliated with the geniuses there. I'm just some schmo who appreciates good subversive humor.)


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