Saturday, January 29, 2005

Knowledge is Power and So Are Plastic Beads

I still don't get what people see in collecting the previously mentioned plastic bead necklaces during my towns annual festival, but I do know one thing: Today, I had the power.

As our float rolled down the parade route, some of my associates, who seemed to have a greater bead budget, winged theirs into the crowd pell-mell. On the other hand, I had to pick and chose my targets. And in the end, that was far more satisfying. I wouldn't just look for the cutest chick in the crowd or the guy who was jumping the highest. I also wanted those who stood back a ways, unable or unwilling to enter the front lines. Maybe it was a parent with a child, an older person, someone who wore the expression "They'll never toss me one.", or simply a desperate one.

Having found that person, I would point directly at them and lock eyes with them, to say "I choose you." My intended recipient would react - their eyes widen, a look of Me? Yes! Please please please! crawls over their face and they literally wait in anticipation as I wind up like Peyton Manning and launch that worthless bead necklace in a high arc from my hand into theirs. (And if I do say so myself, I'm actually a pretty accurate thrower, though I expect my shoulder to have words with me about it tomorrow.) Having caught it, they would almost always show gratitude: wave back, jump in excitement, yell "Thank you!", point back in kind, mouth the words "You're the man!"

And, after a day of deciding who was worthy of my beads, I realized that I finally understood what it must be like to be a rock star or DJ standing before a throng. People were screaming and begging for my attention. My arms would spread, beads dangled from my fingers. The vibe hit and I would flick my wrists ever so slightly, asking them "Who wants some?", and people would go nuts. I could feel their energy rise in response, wanting becoming needing. At some level, I was commanding their emotions. Then, when I deliver to them that which they so crave, they would unleash an intoxicating (albeit supremely shallow) kind of adoration in return.

Did I like it? Of course, I did. Wouldn't you? (Only if you were completely anti-social or immune to the most human of needs - attention, wanting, approval - could you say no.)

By most accounts, today was about a party and a good time, which I had. But I never would have imagined that englightenment had stepped aboard that float with me.


Blogger Carol Davidson said...

Consider yourself bookmarked. Now throw me some damn beads, willya? Keep writing. I'll keep reading.

2:44 AM  

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