Sunday, January 23, 2005

Good Night to The King

So, um, yeah. This is my first blog entry. I was going to do the obligatory first entry. You know, a little bit about me, my surprise at actually blogging because I was never one to read blogs, much less put my thoughts out there for the anonymous world to read. What you'll read and won't read here. Yada yada yada maybe next time. Instead, I'm going to say something else:

Rest in peace, Johnny Carson.

I'm not so old that I can start lamenting about "back in my day" stuff, not totally. But I was lucky enough to watch Carson grace us all with his presence on The Tonight Show. Leno and Letterman are good, but frankly, they can't hold Carson's pencil box. He did with the ease you and I draw breath and we'll not likely see his type again for a long long time. So let this night be to the king of late night.

God? Here's Johnny!


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