Tuesday, February 01, 2005

Bigoted Vending Machine

I think my company's vending machine is prejudiced.

I simply cannot get the damnable thing to take my quarters. Nickels & dimes are fine, but it will not tolerate quarters, especially 1994 ones. Perhaps it's still upset about the Dutchess of Kent converting to Catholicism (which must have been a major event because it came up #4 on my google search of "1994 major news events", sans quotes)

The vending machine's anti-quarterism (does that make it a changist? coinist?) is especially annoying as it forced me to return to my desk upstairs on the other side of the building to retrieve more acceptable coinage, just so I could satisfy my daily chocolate craving. I'm considering sending the machine to sensitivy training so it can learn that quarters are coins too...


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