Monday, April 04, 2005

Meddling with Time Should be Left to the Professionals.

[Doctor's note: Yeah, I've been offline in way too long. First I didn't have anything really rant worthy, I lack L's talent for spinning the most innocuous of events into a proper tale of action & adventure. Then, when I did have something, I simply didn't have time to sit down and write it up. But thanks to the magic of blogspot, I can retro-actively post my rants into their proper timeframes. I'll try to keep up from now on...]

Now, where was I?

Ah, yes. This entry is dedicated to Dudette. Normally I'd just email this to her directly and keep up one of our most treasured traditions. But I figure I'll share it with all of you too.


The onset of April has once again been hallmarked by the Federal Government's semi-annual meddling with my sense of time. Unsatisfied with intruding on every other aspect of my life, they want to impose their mastery of the clock on me as well. And its not even a long standing tradition, don't let them fool about that nonsense about Ben Franklin being its "inventor". He may have thought of the idea, but aside from its usage during WWI, we only embarked upon this bit nonsense during the "energy crisis". Mind you, I kinda like Daylight Savings, if only because I can leave the office with a slice of daylight remaining. But unless we plan on reverting our networked-global-24/7 society back to its agrarian roots, Daylight Savings has long outlived its purpose... which can be said of just about every modern federal program out there.


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