Tuesday, August 09, 2005

I Never Knew I Had It So Good...

With all this talk about identity theft, I figured I'd best check up and see where my identity had been running around whilst I doze. Naturally, the best way to find out anything is to google it (and thus the English language takes another step towards... well, I don't know where, but somewhere along the way, I learned to use Google as a verb. My elementary grammar teacher would be shocked. Shocked I tell ya!)

At any rate. So, I Googled my name. Well. It appears I'm quite the man about town. I never knew I had it so good. Did you know your favorite Time Lord is also:

- An esteemed professor at two major universities
- Quite the well paid athelete
- A reputable seller of fine foods and liquors
- A talented artist of paintings and sculptures

I'm quite pleased with myself, although no listings could be found for that trophy wife I'm in need of. (Monical Belluci still hasn't returned my call, I'm sure her cell phone just needs recharging.) At a minimum, these are going on my resume. You never know when the need for a career change will strike and figure my other me's have done all the heavy lifting...


Blogger L said...

it's always scary to google yourself. ..

12:18 AM  

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