Thursday, July 21, 2005

Happy National Diddling... What?

[Ed note: If you're the hyper-sensitive type, go ahead & skip this one.]

Japanese culture has a rather interesting penchance for taking english words and mashing them into phrases uniquely their own. You're undoubtedly familiar with "anime", short for animation, but they've also got gems like Wap'ro (word processor), Rorikon (lolita complex) and L's favorite Cosp're (costume play). Well, I learned of a new one... one I wasn't quite ready for. In Japan, the day July 21 can be pronounced as "0h-na-ni-i" which, if you're the Biblical bookworm sounds loosely like our man Onan. Yeah, that one... Anyways, today, Japan has apparently turned this bit of wordplay into one of the ubiquitous National [insert silly pet cause here] Day we seem to enjoy. Read it for yourselves, but be warned. I haven't been assaulted with that many euphamisms since the famous "Nudge-Nudge Wink-Wink" Monty Python sketch.

And yes, we U.S. have our own version. Circle May 7, if you're so inclined.


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