Thursday, May 19, 2005

Today's HeadDesk Moment Brought to You by Bayer

I don't normally take requests, but my friend Anyanka sent me a little exchange she had with her boss that just, well, as she put it, her pain needed to be shared. (Side Note: The term "Headdesk moment" derives from <\bangs head on desk\>. Over the lifetime of our emails, Anyanka and I have developed an XML-like tagging to describe various feelings and/or actions. As you might expect, Anyanka was referring to a situation that drover her so crazy, she literally wanted to bang her head on a desk. We have others such as <\waves pom poms\> and <\does Dance of Victory\> . )

Anyways, Anyanka's Headdesk Moment:
Me: The dll isn't working at Luna Station.
Boss: How come? I tested it yesterday here at the lab.
Me: So did I! <\looks at logs\> It's like this field here is null.
Boss: Oh, it does that sometimes.
Me: But the database you brought from the station only had zeros.
Boss: Yes, I updated it with zeros because it wasn't working.
Me: You... you... gah.. buh...
Boss: You didn't ASK me.
Me: How was I going to guess that? "Oh, by the way, did you happen to create the records by hand?"
Boss: <\glares\>

Anyanka transcended a mere "What the... Hell..?" moment by being rendered unable to form a coherent sentence.

I warned Anyanka that such little remarks might get one sent home on a long term basis and a card might not be enough. Her reply,

"Dear boss, I'm sorry you had a brain-fart."


Blogger L said...

ha ha! too funny. sounds like some moments where I work...

9:13 PM  
Blogger The Doctor said...

SOME? I want to work where you do...

11:00 PM  

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